Code for design of pipe support in petrochemical enterprises 石油化工企业管架设计规范
The reliability evaluation model of software of quality assurance for pipe support plate manufacturing using fuzzy analytical hierarchy process is developed. 用模糊层次分析法建立了管子支撑板制造质保软件的可靠性评估模型,并以实例求解。
Bridging of fastener-style steel pipe support formwork is an important configuration factor. 剪刀撑为扣件式钢管模板支架体系中一个重要的构造因素。
Research on the Temporary Pipe Support Setting and Its Intensity Examination for Boiler Steam Blow 锅炉蒸汽吹扫临时管架设置与强度校核
The support arrangement shall be as per the pipe support standards attached elsewhere in the bid. 支架布置应按照标书其他地方所附管架标准。
This procedure applies to all vendors wishing to supply materials and services for incorporation into pipe support equipment being manufactured in accordance with the BPS NQA programme. 本程序适用于所有以下供应商:该供应商为管架设备提供材料和服务,管架设备按照英伦管架有限公司(BPS)的核质量保证计划(NQA)要求生产。
Install the exhaust pipe support. 安装排气管支撑物。
Study on Analysis and Application of the Reliability of Pipe Support Structures 管道支架结构可靠度分析及应用研究
Install the exhaust pipe support and tighten the screw. 安装排气管支架并拧紧螺丝。
Heat conduction in high temperature pipe support and its hazard 高温管架中的热传导及其蕴涵的危险性
Proper arrangement for pipe support can increase the mechanical vibration frequency of pipe and avoid the resonance. 当激振频率接近管道固有频率时,管道系统产生共振,为有效避免共振的发生,本文介绍了往复式压缩机振动管道支架的具体布置方法,合理设置支架,提高管道的机械振动频率,避免共振。
Special application of permanent force pipe support for pipeline stress analysis 恒力管架在管道应力分析中的特殊应用
Objective: Evaluate the use of the strapping by pipe support in the colorectal anastomosis. 目的:评价支撑管绑扎式吻合术在低位结直肠吻合术中的应用。
After analyzing the characteristics of pipe support data, we propose an DBMS architecture based on page server. Also, object-relation data model is adopted in the system. 针对管架数据的特点,结合工程数据库管理系统的实现方法,提出了基于页面服务器的管架数据库管理系统的体系结构,并采用了面向对象模型与关系模型相结合的对象关系数据模式。
Thereby a construction machinery system is design, which consists of high pressure water jet machine for old coat removal, shot peening machine for steel pipe surface treatment, new coat spraying machine and steel pipe support. 为此,近年来开发设计出机械施工机具系统,主要有去除原涂层的高压喷水机、处理钢管表面的摆动喷丸机、施工新涂层的缠绕机或喷涂机和支撑钢管的快速开合式支架。
Design of Steel Pipe Support of Interchange Box Beam and Its Construction Control 某立交桥箱梁钢管支架设计与施工控制
In this paper, the theory analysis of restrain coefficient for multi-layer sliding support, numerical analysis and the optimizing design for multi-layer steel pipe support in the alumina plant are performed. 本文以某氧化铝厂为例对多层活动支架结构的牵制系数进行了理论分析,并对多层钢管道支架结构的静力学性能进行了数值分析和优化设计。
The questions and the correction suggestions about the chemical production installment craft of the pipe support 、 arrangement principle 、 the classification and the design were introduced. 介绍了化工生产装置工艺外管架的布置原则、分类、设计、向土建专业提供的要求及设计中存在的问题和改正建议,供设计人员参考。
Pipe support CAD software can greatly improve the efficiency and quality of pipe support design, then reduce the cycle of plant design, and avoid mistakes. 管架CAD软件可以从很大程度上提高管架设计的效率和质量,从而缩短整个工厂设计的周期并减少错误。
Pipe Support design is an important part of plant design. 管道支吊架(简称管架)设计是流程工厂设计的一个重要组成部分。
Method of Vibrating Pipe Support Arrangement for Reciprocating Compressor 往复式压缩机振动管道支架布置方法
Analysis of cause on collapse of fastening steel pipe support system 扣件式钢管模板支撑系统倒塌事故原因分析
In this paper, it analyses the phenomenon of force load transfer and impact on primary stress, and points out necessity and possibility of eliminating such phenomenon and impact by using permanent force pipe support. 分析了管道中的力载荷转移现象及其对一次应力的影响。同时指出了用恒力管架消除这种现象及其影响的必要性和可能性。
The results provide experimental base of multi-layer steel plate isolator application in aeroengine pipe support. 研究结果为多层钢板隔振器在航空发动机管路支承中的应用提供了实验依据。
For the analysis results above, the corresponding optimization schemes of boom structure and pipe support are proposed, which can significantly reduce vibration of the end of the boom and extend the life of pipe support. 针对以上分析结果,对臂架和输送管支撑的结构提出相应的修改方案,可以明显减小臂架末端的振动和延长管支撑的使用寿命。
Then, testing all kinds parameters of the pipe bracket compression performance, and analyzed the result of the test. At last we can get all kinds of process parameters on the pipe support radial compression performance influence. 其次,对编织的各种参数规格的管道支架进行压缩性能测试,并对测试结果进行了分析,通过定性的分析,得出了各种编织工艺参数对管道支架的径向压缩性能的影响。
At last I make the strength analysis of pipe and the pipe support, thus get the main reason of damage to the pipe support. 更进一步对输送管道和管支撑进行强度分析,得到了管支撑破坏的主要原因。
In the course of practical work, the boom structure has the problem of excessive vibration of the end and damage of the pipe support. 在实际工作过程中,臂架系统存在末端振动过大和管支撑容易脱落的问题。
Combined with the test data, Based on the regression analysis method, this paper build the mathematics model of the radial support-regression equation, it can be able to predict the pipe support. 结合测试的数据,本论文又以回归分析法为基础建立了能够预测管道支架径向支撑力的数学模型-回归方程。